Pamper yourself and your loved one with an unforgettable romantic experience, explore our exceptional restaurants and enjoy city views before heading back to your luxurious guestroom. Make your dreams come true with our Romantic Escape starting from BD127* per night.
Your Romantic Escape benefits include:
Upgrade to the next room category
In-room breakfast
Late check out
Romantic amenities including a bottle of sparkling date juice or champagne
30 minutes couple massage or romantic dinner in one of our signature restaurants
Offer valid for two persons
Book on to enjoy complimentary Wi-Fi throughout your stay at ART Rotana.
Termes et conditions
The Romantic Escape package is subject to availability, Rate is subject to 10% service charge and 10% government levy, Optional upgrade available to the next room category upon check-in. Additional Terms & Conditions may apply, Valid till Dec 31st 2017
Hôtel et informations locales
Heure et date actuelle Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 13:53 (GMT +3 hours)
Météo actuelle Mercredi, 12 Mar 2025 @ 13:00 AST 22°C (71°F) Humidité: 60% Vent: Nord Ouest 10.29
Info Devises Mercredi, 12 Mar 2025 @ 13:00 AST BHD ~ Bahraini Dinar 1 USD=BHD 0.38 | 1 EUR=BHD 0.41 *Les taux ci-dessus sont interbancaires / médiane. Les transactions en espèces et par carte de crédit peuvent être soumises à des surtaxes locales.
Avis d'hôtel
“The best experience”
Reviewed by Kab a TripAdvisor traveler.
8th March 2025
“Excellent feed-back on Rotana Downtown hotel Manama”
Reviewed by Hatd a TripAdvisor traveler.
6th March 2025
“Wonderful Experience”
Reviewed by SalehAbuqura a TripAdvisor traveler.
28th February 2025
Plus de Rotana Escapes à Downtown Rotana
Business Escape
With a focus on your comfort, efficiency and productivity, choose Rotana for your next business stay in Bahrain ]
A family escape to luxury with Downtown Rotana
Dedicate a weekend to those precious to you with our Family Weekend Escape ]
Juste certaines de nos offres et promotions
Ghabga Under the Stars
Experience Ghabga under the stars at Alto this Ramadan and enjoy a delightful set menu from 9 pm ]
Ghabga Escape
Escape to Manama this Ramadan at only BD 55 including a night stay and Ghabga for 2 at Al Maha ]
Stay Fit at Bodylines this Ramadan
Stay active and energized this Ramadan with a Bodylines membership for only BD 40 and enjoy access to our state-of-the-art fitness facilities ]
Downtown Culture Hub 13th Edition
"Soon There’s A Way To Home" by Jesus “Jess” Ramos Tejada a visual Artist, who has a passion for teaching and empowering the new generation of creatives in Bahrain, to look for their unique Kind of Art ]
Dine for Diamond
Dine at our selected outlets and WIN DIAMONDS from 14th February to 8th May ]
Iftar Delights at Al Maha Tent
A delicious Iftar spread awaits you at Al Maha this Ramadan daily from sunset ]
Celebrate Ghabga in Style at Al Maha Tent
Join us for a delightful Ghabga experience at Al Maha Tent for just BD 22 and enjoy traditional flavors, sweet treats, and a warm, festive atmosphere ]
Le Petit Chef & Friends
Le Petit Chef is back and he is accompanied by his friends Maria, Luciano and Takahiro ]
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