Centro Shaheen is designed to match your business travel requirements and add more values to your stay.
This package includes:
A sumptuous breakfast buffet at c.taste restaurant
Complimentary Wi-Fi access in your guest room and public areas
15% discount at c.taste restaurant for lunch
Complimentary 2 pieces of laundry
Limousine pick-up and drop-off from the airport
At Centro Shaheen we know exactly what a traveler needs & we do our best to make it happen
To book your Business Escape, click on the "Book Your Escape Now" button on the left and choose your dates.
Termes et conditions
Complimentary internet connection is valid for up to two devices per room. Not valid in conjunction with any other promotion or offer. The offer is only valid for bookings through www.rotana.com. The above rate is subject to availability and may vary throughout the year. Further terms and conditions apply.Offer is valid until 31 December 2017. Other terms and conditions may apply.
Hôtel et informations locales
Heure et date actuelle Friday, 14 Mar 2025 14:20 (GMT +3 hours)
Météo actuelle Vendredi, 14 Mar 2025 @ 14:00 AST 29°C (84°F) Humidité: 50% Vent: Nord Ouest 5.14
Info Devises Vendredi, 14 Mar 2025 @ 14:00 AST SAR ~ Saudi Riyal 1 USD=SAR 3.75 | 1 EUR=SAR 4.09 *Les taux ci-dessus sont interbancaires / médiane. Les transactions en espèces et par carte de crédit peuvent être soumises à des surtaxes locales.
Avis d'hôtel
“clean and comfortable”
Reviewed by Mohamd a TripAdvisor traveler.
5th October 2024
“Business Stay”
Reviewed by Nadjo a TripAdvisor traveler.
4th October 2024
“Good service”
Reviewed by Hiyam a TripAdvisor traveler.
23rd August 2024
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