Are your looking to celebrate with your loved one?
Surprise your soul mate with the most unexpected stopover at this retreat and make it a stay to remember at Riviera Rayhaan by Rotana.
This package includes:
In-room breakfast
Roof-Top pool candlelight dinner
Romantic amenities:
Bathtub set up with roses
Bottle of non alcoholic sparkling
Upgrade to the next room category
Late Check-out 4pm
Rekindle the spark with your special one and book now
Termes et conditions
Offer valid for two persons. Room upgrade and late check-out are subject to availability. Prices are in QAR and subject to all governmental fees and value-added tax (VAT). Not valid in conjunction with any other promotions or privileges. Other terms and conditions might apply.
Hôtel et informations locales
Heure et date actuelle Friday, 14 Mar 2025 14:30 (GMT +3 hours)
Météo actuelle Vendredi, 14 Mar 2025 @ 14:00 AST 28°C (82°F) Humidité: 28% Vent: Nord Ouest 7.6
Info Devises Vendredi, 14 Mar 2025 @ 14:00 AST QAR ~ Qatari Rial 1 USD=QAR 3.64 | 1 EUR=QAR 3.97 *Les taux ci-dessus sont interbancaires / médiane. Les transactions en espèces et par carte de crédit peuvent être soumises à des surtaxes locales.
Plus de Rotana Escapes à Riviera Rayhaan
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Your Business Escape
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Juste certaines de nos offres et promotions
Exceptional catering services in Doha
At Riviera Rayhaan by Rotana in Doha, Qatar, we pride ourselves on offering dynamic and innovative catering services designed to provide exceptional experiences for both social and corporate events ]
Fuel Your Day with Our Healthy Lunch Boxes
Discover the perfect balance of flavor and nutrition with our Healthy Lunch Boxes, thoughtfully curated to energize your day ]
Celebrate Under the Stars at Aquarius Pool Rooftop
The serene and stylish Aquarius Pool Rooftop at Riviera Rayhaan by Rotana is the ideal choice for your outdoor event ]
Embrace the Cool Season with a Sizzling BBQ Night
Celebrate the charm of Doha’s cool season with an unforgettable evening of flavours and views at Aquarius Pool Rooftop ]
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