Plan your weekend in Riyadh and stay at the five-star Rosh Rayhaan by Rotana. Enjoy your weekend in the heart of Riyadh with our two day specially designed Weekend Escape package starting from 1,200 SAR.
Your Weekend Escape includes:
Complimentary breakfast buffet
A sumptuous lunch buffet
30% off adjoining room for kids
Late check-out until 4 pm
Complimentary Wi-Fi
To book your Weekend Escape, click on the ''Book Your Escape Now'' button and choose Thursday or Friday as the check-in day.
Termes et conditions
Offer is valid for bookings over the weekend only with arrival on Thursday or Friday. 30% off adjoining room is valid for a maximum of 3 kids. Late checkout until 4 pm is subject to availability. Other terms and conditions apply.
Hôtel et informations locales
Heure et date actuelle Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 05:05 (GMT +3 hours)
Météo actuelle Mercredi, 12 Mar 2025 @ 05:00 AST 16°C (60°F) Humidité: 57% Vent: Nord Est 5.06
Info Devises Mercredi, 12 Mar 2025 @ 05:00 AST SAR ~ Saudi Riyal 1 USD=SAR 3.75 | 1 EUR=SAR 4.09 *Les taux ci-dessus sont interbancaires / médiane. Les transactions en espèces et par carte de crédit peuvent être soumises à des surtaxes locales.
Avis d'hôtel
“Excellent stay and service”
Reviewed by DrSusanneTrumm a TripAdvisor traveler.
8th September 2023
“Very good service and breakfast with various items i would like to thanks MrMajed Al-Harbi for his support as always”
Reviewed by Fahad a TripAdvisor traveler.
5th June 2023
Reviewed by Naderfarid a TripAdvisor traveler.
21st March 2022
Plus de Rotana Escapes à Rosh Rayhaan
Your Romantic Escape in Riyadh
Create unforgettable romantic occasion with your loved one ]
Your Business Escape in Riyadh
Stay at the business district of Riyadh, Al Olaya Street with additional benefits ]
Juste certaines de nos offres et promotions
اكتشف كرم الضيافة العربية في خيمة ريحانة
احظى بأجواء رمضانية ساحرة ومائدة افطار متنوعة وشهية في خيمة ريحانة ]
Enjoy your Iftar at Rayhaana Tent
Experience the enchanting Ramadan atmosphere and enjoy a delightful Iftar meal at the Rayhaana tent, where Arabian hospitality awaits you ]
حياكم في الرياض
رحلتك في الرياض تبدأ هنا ]
استمتع بتجربة سحور لا تُنسى في سما لاونج تراس
استمتع بأجواء مثالية وسحور شهي في سما لاونج تراس ]
Hayakum in Riyadh
Your journey in Riyadh begins here ]
Enjoy unforgettable Suhoor at Sama Loung Terrace
Indulge in a perfect ambiance and delicious Suhoor at Sama Lounge Terrace ]
استمتعوا بأجواء رمضانية مع افطار فلافورز
انضموا إلينا في شهر الخير لتجربة إفطار رمضاني لا مثيل له ]
Enjoy Ramadan atmosphere at Flavors Iftar
Join us in the month of goodness for an unparalleled Ramadan Iftar experience ]
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