Escape the busy life of work and enjoy your weekend with your family at Centro Salama in Jeddah.
Your weekend package includes:
Connecting rooms or suites
Complimentary Breakfast at C.Taste
Get SAR 75 credit per room to spend to any of our restaurant or recreational activities
Children aged 12 years and below stay and eat free
Complimentary extra bed per room
To book your Weekend Escape, click on the "Book Now" button below and choose your weekend.
Termes et conditions
Offer is Valid until 31st of December, 2018. Offer is valid for 2 nights.
Hôtel et informations locales
Heure et date actuelle Friday, 14 Mar 2025 14:14 (GMT +3 hours)
Météo actuelle Vendredi, 14 Mar 2025 @ 14:00 AST 29°C (84°F) Humidité: 50% Vent: Nord Ouest 5.14
Info Devises Vendredi, 14 Mar 2025 @ 14:00 AST SAR ~ Saudi Riyal 1 USD=SAR 3.75 | 1 EUR=SAR 4.09 *Les taux ci-dessus sont interbancaires / médiane. Les transactions en espèces et par carte de crédit peuvent être soumises à des surtaxes locales.
Avis d'hôtel
“3 week stay in Jeddah”
Reviewed by Slang a TripAdvisor traveler.
27th October 2024
“From Aleksandr Frolov”
Reviewed by AleksandrFrolov a TripAdvisor traveler.
8th February 2024
“Great hotel”
Reviewed by Hesham a TripAdvisor traveler.
14th October 2023
Plus de Rotana Escapes à Centro Salama
Your Romantic Escape at Centro Salama
Enjoy your next stay with your loved one at Centro Salama ]
Your Business Escape at Centro Salama
Your next business meeting will be conducted in an efficient, productive and successful atmosphere in Jeddah ]
Juste certaines de nos offres et promotions
استمتع بأجواء رمضانية مميزة في سي. تيست
استمتع بتجربة عصرية على الإفطار والسحور ]
Celebrate the joy of Ramadan
Experience a Mesmerizing Daily Iftar Buffet with Unmatched Flavors at ctaste ]
Stay longer and save more with Rotana
Lowest rate guaranteed for stays of 7 or more nights ]
Special Occasions to Remember
Be a guest at your own party and let our team do the rest ]
Dine in the comfort of your room
Enjoy special combos from the comfort of your room ]
احجز إقامتك الطويلة ووفر أكثر مع روتانا
ضمان أقل سعر عند الإقامة لمدة 7 ليال أو أكثر ]
أريد الاسترخاء على جانب المسبح رجاءً
تمتع بالأشياء الجميلة في الحياة التي تشعرك بالراحة والسلام ]
Plan your next event at Centro Salama
State-of-the-art yet hip, futuristic yet chic seven meeting rooms that will be essential for your next meeting at Centro Salama ]
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