Discover the beauty of Sarajevo, while enjoying the comfort at Bosmal Arjaan by Rotana with modernly designed spacious apartments. Conveniently located right near the metro station and close to all major city attractions, Bosmal Arjaan by Rotana offers you an easy access to anywhere in town.
Cultural Escape includes:
Breakfast buffet at Urban café.deli
Museum pass for two
War Childhood Museum
Complimentary Wi-Fi
Transfer Museum of choice-Hotel-Museum of choice
Termes et conditions
**minimum stay of two nights
**24h cancellation policy
**no reimbursement for no show reservations
**dates and times are subject to availability
Hôtel et informations locales
Heure et date actuelle Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 03:47 (GMT +2 hours)
Météo actuelle Mercredi, 12 Mar 2025 @ 03:00 CET 6°C (42°F) Humidité: 100% Vent: Nord 1.03
Info Devises Mercredi, 12 Mar 2025 @ 03:00 CET BAM ~ Convertible Mark 1 USD=BAM 1.79 | 1 EUR=BAM 1.96 *Les taux ci-dessus sont interbancaires / médiane. Les transactions en espèces et par carte de crédit peuvent être soumises à des surtaxes locales.
Avis d'hôtel
“Great stay in Sarajevo”
Reviewed by Primozrajteric a TripAdvisor traveler.
19th March 2020
Reviewed by Enesmum a TripAdvisor traveler.
8th March 2020
“Hands down the most comfortable hotelservice apartment in Sarajevo”
Reviewed by John P a TripAdvisor traveler.
17th February 2020
Plus de Rotana Escapes à Bosmal Arjaan
Your Business Escape
Seal the deal with a nice stay at Bosmal Arjaan by Rotana, ideally located in close proximity to the Sarajevo International Airport and commercial areas ]
Romantic Escape
Celebrate the moment in an outstanding accommodation and allow us to WOW your partner ]
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